Loving the Brethren

Matthew 25:40 ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did [it] to one of the least of these My brethren, you did [it] to Me.’

We are living in the last days of the soon return of Jesus.  In Matthew 25,  Jesus gave parables depicting the soon coming of our Lord and King.  When He returns, He will return in glory. It will be in the transfigured body that John saw on the Isle of Patmos.  It will be a body full of light and splendor, shining in all of the brilliance of God’s glory.  When He comes, He is coming to be enthroned. When Christ sits upon His throne of glory, He sits in judgment.  He will judge the goats (unbelievers) and the sheep (His church).  When He comes there will be a separation of tares (goats) and wheat (sheep).

Vs. 34-40 is the judgment of the sheep.  The reward is an inheritance of the kingdom.  We are rewarded on the basis of our ministry to the Lord.  We minister to Him when we minister to the brethren.

The brethren are first the nation of Israel.  Nations will be judged by their treatment to His chosen people.   Secondly, the brethren are those of the household of faith.    This day, let us provoke one another to good works and the love of the brethren. Many say they love God “the head of the church” but they hate His body.  Let this not be said of us.

Heavenly Father, I so long for the coming of Jesus.  Let this hope in me provoke me to love the brethren. Today we pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for our nation to stand right before her. We ask Lord that in everything we say and do, let us be mindful that we will stand before You as You sit on Your throne of glory.  In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 22:22 I will declare Your name to My brethren; In the midst of the assembly I will praise You.

The 22nd Psalm is a prophetic chapter concerning the sufferings of Christ and the glory that he would bring.  In verse 20, he is crying out to the Father for the deliverance of his soul.  In his suffering the attack will come from “dogs”, that refers to Gentiles, particularly Pilot. In verse 21, the Messiah cries out to be saved from the lions mouth and the horns of the unicorn. This refers to the religious leaders of Israel.  Verse 22 on presents to us, the exaltation and glory of the Messiah. As believers we are to praise the Lord for what He has done through His death on the cross and resurrection.  As His people we are to declare His name all over the world and praise Him for what He has done in redeeming man.

Let us exalt him together.

Lord Jesus, you are worthy of all glory, all praise and honor.  We exalt Your name above every name. Thank You for the cross, Your blood and for going into hell and giving us the keys to the Kingdom.  You are master, Lord, Savior, Deliverer, King of kings. We worship and extol You this day, Amen.

Unity and Chicken

Psalm 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant [it is] For brethren to dwell together in unity!”

The NIV translation of this scripture reads, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” Don’t believe the lie that unity is impossible. Unity happens from time to time, whenever the motivation strikes a chord. Just this Wednesday, we witnessed unity demonstrated nationwide, on behalf of Truett Cathy’s pro-traditional family stance. Because of the solidarity of many believers, Chick fil A experienced a record-breaking day of sales. It was a blessed event, indeed.

Demonstrations of unity will increase in the days ahead. Grave and startling issues are now motivating the body of Christ to action. Our sad indifference over the years, has led us to a place where either we unify or lose precious key freedoms. On another note, let us pray for Chick fil A, today, as they will suffer counter-demonstrations from those who are angry about Cathy’s recent comments. Let us believe that today’s scheduled “Kiss-In” will actually bring more business and blessing to this Christian enterprise.

Heavenly Father,
Help us to unify all the more in these last days. Many challenges to the cross have gone unanswered, because your people failed to unite. Today, however, we are ready to lay down petty differences, busy schedules, and fear of man, to make the stand that is required of us. Protect every Chick fil A site, and keep the employees and patrons from harm. We cancel any plan for violence and declare your peace over each of these restaurants. May any evil demonstration be turned around for Chick fil A’s good, bringing even further support and profit to the enterprise. Thank you, Father, for the blessings You grant whenever we choose to unify.

Brandon Hutzell also wrote the following contribution to today’s topic of unity.

As we pray for our nation during these 150 Days of Prayer for America, we must give due diligence to the prayer of repentance for the church.  Humbling ourselves and encouraging self-examination for the purpose of turning from any “wicked way” so that the Lord may hear from heaven, and heal our land.  More than ever before it is important that the body of Christ be unified in not only prayer, but in action.  Working together in not only word, but in deeds as well, to overcome the challenges which lie ahead.  It’s been said that nothing unites like a common enemy.  We’ve seen the church experience certain attacks in the past few years that have actually caused pastors, ministers, and lay people to unite across denominational lines to present a united belief statement on issues such as abortion, marriage, and freedom of religion/speech.

There is victory for every believer; power to overcome the best the enemy has to offer.  There is also victory for the united church, which lies just ahead.  It is only a few hard, committed choices away.  Pray today, that the American churchgoer, and every American pastor will persistently work toward uniting the body of Christ.  There is unlimited power and influence available for the church if we do not limit ourselves by separating ourselves.  How good, pleasant, and powerful, it is for the church to gather together as one under the blood stained banner of Jesus Christ, to pray for and serve our great nation!  Let’s reap the harvest together.

Heavenly Father,
I repent today for any hardness in my heart toward a brother or sister in Christ who’s views on certain topics may differ from mine.  Give me wisdom to recognize false believers who are believing and preaching a false gospel.  Also give me grace, humility, and patience to put aside certain petty arguments about issues that might not be as important as I’ve thought they’ve been in the grand scheme of things.  My desire is to see Your body function as one, like You’ve always wanted.  Let us work together to be Your heart, hands, and feet to America. 